Bilbies are more than Easter icons – they help out their mates
If you’re walking quietly through Australian bush this Easter you might get lucky – no chocolate eggs are likely to be hiding there but you could spot two little eyes peeking out of a burrow.
Human training for happier dogs
Dogs are loyal, devoted companions. Yet even with training, so many problematic dog behaviors puzzle and frustrate their owners, often resulting in abandonment and neglect. A new breed of dog trainers and scientists say it doesn’t have to be like this.
Innovators look to “accidental crops” as a nutritious, environmentally friendly and free food source
Edible wild greens could help improve food security, boost public health and make communities more resilient to disaster.
Please pass the salt – just hold the processed food
While trekking through Europe in his twenties, my husband dutifully visited elderly Italian relatives and immediately sat down to a sumptuous garden-grown, home-cooked meal. His ‘nonno’ asked him to pass the salt.
Experimental diet offers hope for sufferers of inflammatory bowel disease
An experimental carbohydrate diet that restricted processed foods and most sugars has relieved symptoms in eight out of 10 children with inflammatory bowel disease
Mediterranean diet on a budget
Thinking of Mediterranean food tends to conjure up images of pizza, pasta and lamb on a spit. But the traditional diet, extolled for its bountiful health benefits, is far more colourful. With roots in provincial Mediterranean villages, this “peasant food” is tasty, diverse and simple. It can also be deceptively cheap.
Meet Helen Rodríguez-Trías, pediatrician-turned-healthcare activist
Pediatrician Helen Rodríguez-Trías (1929-2001) beat incredible odds to become a champion for underprivileged women and children.
The circle of (garden) life
The garden is my husband’s refuge. When he’s not at work there are few things he enjoys more than planting seeds and nurturing them into edible beans, tomatoes, corn, spinach, eggplant; sweat dripping, hands immersed in rich Adelaide foothills soil, left in peace. So I was surprised when one evening, a couple of months ago, …
Brain anomalies in multiple personality patients linked to childhood trauma
Jessica Mayer is a 25-year-old Welsh newlywed juggling a nine-to-five job with university studies.
Money doesn’t bring happiness, yet we keep spending
Natalie Parletta explores what does make us happy — it’s not a never-ending supply of chocolate.
Child’s brain rewires itself after successful hand transplant
Scientists used to think the brain could not regenerate itself.
Why Australian dietary recommendations on fat need to change
A recent editorial in the journal Open Heart suggests many of us have it all wrong when it comes to the balance of fats we eat.