Doxiepoos and puggles: is hybrid breeding healthier for owners and dogs?

It would take a hard heart not to melt at the beseeching brown eyes, soft, floppy caramel ears and white paws of Ollie, the dorgi. What’s a dorgi, you say? It’s a corgi crossed with a dachshund, who – like many of our contemporary four-legged friends – even has his own Instagram page.
Someone bred two cute types of dog together to create a hybrid that’s even more adorable.
Cute factor isn’t the only reason to crossbreed. Breeders also mix dogs with desirable traits from different breeds. It started when Wally Conron joined a labrador and a poodle in the 1980s to create a guide dog that had the right temperament to escort a person with impaired vision but didn’t trigger allergic reactions.
Published by The Guardian.